Easily change your blogs header image

Three Steps to changing the header image of your blogger blog For a writer the header image of your blog should be a top concern. What should your header image be? Should it be an image of you? Your work such as a stack of published books? Or should it be an image of you lounging on a tropical island with a martini in one hand and a tablet or laptop in the other? Whatever you decide, it should reflect You, and Your brand, especially if you are going to be taking vantage of social media. As part of my research I visited StephenKing.com and check out his header. He is using wordpress and his header is just his name in a square at the top left. I also looked up R.L.Stine.com and his image is a little more fancier than Stephen King's. In big Goosebumpian letters it reads "The world of R.L.Stine" Perfect. Both authors are using their platforms to brand themselves. So what should you do? That depends on whether you are freelancing or are an author of books. In this post your...