Master of One: Show-Stopping Traffic

Today let’s talk about the power of one. No this is not going to be a pep talk or a self-help post. It will help you succeed in getting more traffic to your website. That is for those who take my advice you’ll notice in a short time a tremendous increase in traffic to your website. Back in the 90’s, I owned a Ford SHO. It had a V turbocharged engine with leather heated seats, an awesome pioneer stereo system and came in a metallic blue. This thing was built for speed, although I didn’t have a need for speed it was nice to know that I had the power under the hood. I can only remember using its power only twice and both had to do with stop lights… I was on my way to work and was stopped at a light. When the light turned green I started to go. That’s when I noticed a black truck speeding toward me from my right side. The driver of the truck must have been in a hurry because he sped up when his light turned yellow and after a few seconds went red. I bet he thought he would make the light b...